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mercredi 6 février 2013

Amy Winehouse died as a result of extravagance in alcohol.

British court confirmed Tuesday that the death of Amy Winehouse came a cross because of the profligacy of alcohol after a new investigation was conducted after a procedural defect in the first results of the investigation.
It showed tests that the percentage of alcohol in the blood of the singer who was in the twenty-seventh when she died in July 2011 was five times more than the permitted level of leadership. In achieving October 2011, concluded responsible investigation Suzanne Greenaway said death came "incidental" effect overkill singer of alcohol after a period of abstinence., but Greenaway resigned from her job after a month when investigation revealed that they were not possessing the necessary expertise to do the job., Tuesday concluded Shirley Radcliffe who was appointed to conduct new investigation that Amy Winehouse died from excessive "drinking alcohol", adding that the proportion of alcohol vacated in "blood usually lead to death." and explained that the artist "dealt with alcohol voluntarily" and "bottles of vodka empty were on the ground" when she was found deceased in her bed in her apartment in north London on 23 July 2011. has suffered young singer years long drug and alcohol addiction.

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