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mercredi 6 février 2013

Mourad Bouriqi and Fred Ghannam with their coaches Helani and Shirin "balance"

Meet the public session 12 Mawazine Festival Moroccan with two stars in the program "The Voice" lyrical Murad Buriqi and Fred Ghannam who would revive each concert in conjunction with framed in the program, Assi and Shireen Abdul Wahab.
According to a communiqué of the Assembly of Morocco cultures that platform renaissance that embraces programming Eastern Festival, which regulates the 24 May to light in June will see a concert singer, Hedi Egyptian Shireen Abdul Wahab, accompanied by Fred Ghannam candidate definitive program "The Voice" (sweet voice) on Channel M. Me. C .

And embraces the same platform on May 30 evening concert given by Lebanese singer Assi accompanied Murad Buriqi who was crowned as the best voice in the television musical program.

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