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mercredi 6 février 2013

Tete: The Soundtrack of Your Life, the first single bright Nu Là-Bas

In a rare elegance, the sixth installment of Tete Nu Là-Bas, lift the veil and reveals the first single from the artist to the velvet voice. Discover Top Musician on "The Soundtrack of Your Life" and succumb to the charm of this terrible terrible piece.

With its large lanky figure, his voice sometimes rebellious, sometimes melancholic and this incomparable class that characterizes the larger Tété five albums has won by dint of honesty and talent, the hearts of critics and clear a space choice in the French musical world. Dandy unpretentious (yes, it's possible) this extraordinary poet, however, is not the most prolific. Quality has a cost, and this is often the time. So when, last August, the artist announced, two years after the release of the first beautiful clear dawn, returning to the studio, the press came close to hysterics. What will therefore Nude Là-Bas, the sixth installment of Tete (who abandoned his friend Dede time for the sake of the music)? Fans of the artist with a big heart will surely find an answer with The Soundtrack of Your Life.

Tété - La bande son de ta vie

Single thoroughbred crossed with vintage riffs, the song recalls the early steps, the heyday of Motown. Then rediscovered amateur voice Tete, familiar, loving and playful. The man juggles with words like a child play hopscotch. The artist walks, never forces his words bounce off the walls, lost in memories, delving into feelings. Rarely album was also to its name. Tete, at 37, gets rid of his rags, bares, but with modesty. Are hints but appears to only those that provide the effort to listen. Through Nu Là-Bas, that's life of a man is discovered in all its harshness, its wounds, its joys and friendships. Discover without further delay The Soundtrack of Your Life, love at the heart of writing. To measure the immeasurable talent of the greatest musical storyteller in France, however it will be on February 25th. Moments of grace have a price.

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