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mercredi 6 février 2013

Tamer Hosni concludes Nightlife Mawazine Festival 2013

Morocco Foundation announced cultures that Egyptian star Tamer Hosni will mark the closing ceremony of the Mawazine World Rhythms Festival 2013.
The communication of the institution that Tamer Hosni, who previously revived successful concert in the framework of the session 10 of the festival, will renew related Bgmehorh to a renaissance in the last platform session 12 evenings of the festival organized from May 24 to June Light.
And Andhav Tamer Hosni to a group of stars of the next session, the Arabs and the world, who continue advertising them in turn.
Tamer Hosni first album in 2004 entitled "Love" followed by successful albums such as the "eyes Pthabk" and "O daughter of verse" and "choose true" and "Jay sweeter."
Egyptian star also played a starring role in several films: "Mr. Emotional" and "Omar and Salma" and "Captain Hima" and "Omar and Salma 2".

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