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mercredi 6 février 2013

Group "Nass El-ghiwane" issued in Tamazight song

Dean declared a "Nass El-ghiwane" Omar Sayed production song near the Amazigh language, for the first time in the history of this group that تأسيها back to the seventies.
The Omar Sayed in a telephone conversation with agency Maghreb Arabe Presse, on Wednesday, that this song titled "Tmagat", one of the words Mr. Mohamed Hanafi poet group Azenzarn par excellence, is expected to be issued within the album of ten songs between March and April next.

He stressed that the group "people Ghiwane" has registered the song mentioned, that chants of unity, diversity and identity issues, with the help of members of the Group "Azenzarn" who oversaw the correct exits characters and how to pronounce words Amazigh. He added that the new album will be released for a distribution company in Casablanca immediately upon completion of the necessary technical adjustments.

Omar was Mr. solution, on Tuesday, travel to professional students leave in Alsosiothagafa activation Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Agadir, where he spoke to them about technical track accompanied by a "people Ghiwane." This meeting also marked an exclusive offer for short duration bar 13 minutes, shows for the first time, about the personal life of the artist Omar Sayed.

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