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mercredi 6 février 2013

Gangam Style claimed eight million dollars on the site "Youtube"

Allowed the video for the song "Gangam Style", which received worldwide success and seen more than a billion times on "YouTube", this site achieving more than eight million dollars, the Group announced the "Google" his royal.
He revealed CFO for "Google" Nekish Arora this information during a conference conducted by telephone after the publication of the results of the group, and in the context of talking about the possibility of profits from ads on "YouTube." Distributed profits generated by ads on "YouTube" by watching videos the designers of the contents of this site. in December, was the video for the song "Gangam Style" South Korean singer Sai had crossed the threshold of one billion viewers on "YouTube." The counter log page Tuesday evening 1.23 billion viewers. Even if the lyrics in Korean, succeeded "Gangam Style" thanks rhythm and steps Riqstha attract a wide audience of celebrities, from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to London Mayor Boris Johnson, through U.S. President Barack Obama. and dance to the rhythm of the song that makes a mockery of style living neighborhood Gangam upscale in Seoul, thousands of pupils, students and groups are known, including students Massachusetts Institute of Technology. was exploited Chinese artist exhibitions Ai Weiwei global success I received song to publish a statement special about freedom of expression quickly withdrawn from the Internet in China.

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