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mercredi 6 février 2013

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy will tour in the fall musical.

It is expected that you Carla Bruni-Sarkozy tour in the fall to promote her new album, "Little French Songz" pending in the first of April, the company announced "Barclay", a subsidiary of "Universal".
A statement that the "+ Barclay + is very proud to announce its collaboration with Carla Bruni in her career ahead." The statement added that the album Carla Bruni IV, entitled "Little French Songz" "will be released on Monday in the first of April 2013" and that "will be revealed song name + Xi Keith er Anita + Monday, 28 January. "the company explained that it is expected that the Brunei tour in the fall of 2013. was album Carla Bruni third" com C de Ryan Nitti "was released in July 2008 when her husband was Nicolas Sarkozy president of the French Republic . proceeds from the album has gone to the Fondation de France, the singer decided which was then first lady not to appear on the stage, even today sufficient to emerge on rare occasions on television.

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