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mercredi 6 février 2013

Chem3a (Vesion Original) 2013 By Hasan Maghri

Born in Rabat April 7, 1985, Saad Lamjarred is none other than the son of singer Al Bachir Abdou and popular actress Nouzha Regragui. From a young age, he beigna in an artistic atmosphere. At his circumcision, he hummed "Tal alina 'iconic chorus repertoire of his dad. He was only four years. After primary school, he enrolled at the Conservatory of Music to study music theory and organ. Born leader, he was the vocalist of holiday camps qu'organisait RTM. The Moroccan public and Arabic found in 2007grâce Super Star of the Future Lebanese television TV. Selected in the United States, where he continued his studies from hundreds of candidates, it ends up getting second place. In 2008, he participated in "Limin al oughnia" Lebanese singing contest, with "unlimited Bihab biakrahni" words and composition Suhail Fares. Amateur Moroccan song Saad Lamjarred also interprets the eastern and tubes French and English. Waiting to realize its projects with Future TV, he comes to write and compose "Aziz oughali" he is about to sing a duet with her ​​dad.

 Chem3a (Vesion Original) 2013 By Hasan Maghri

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